Rabbi Barry Weinstein will be the guest speaker at the Press Club of Baton Rouge on Monday, July 24. He is rabbi emeritus of the Unified Jewish Congregation of Baton Rouge and rabbi at Temple Sinai in Lake Charles and Temple Shalom in Lafayette.
Rabbi Weinstein will discuss the merger of the two Jewish congregations and provide an update on what expanding the Kleinert Avenue campus will mean to the Jewish community and entire Baton Rouge community.
Press Club meets on Mondays in the ballroom at Drusilla Place Catering, which is located at the Drusilla Shopping Center at Drusilla Drive and Jefferson Hwy. Lunch, which is a sit-down meal served at 12:15 p.m., is $25 for members and $30 for nonmembers. Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
The public is invited, but only members of the Press Club and news reporters are allowed to ask questions during the question-and-answer portion of the program.